Use A Divorce Lawyer to Look Out for The Best Interests of The Children

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Family Law & Divorce

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Although hiring a divorce attorney in Independence, MO, may ultimately be necessary, both parties will quickly discover that essential things will be lost. If the marriage involves children, no one will lose more than the children.

Divorce is a defensive measure. Marriage partners seek divorce to protect themselves from problems they believe originate with their spouse. However, divorce is the opposite of a defensive measure for the children. It is the opposite. It is a devastating event with almost no gain. A responsible parent must ensure that the increase in their happiness is worth the devastation they will cause their children.

One of the most critical responsibilities of a divorce lawyer in Independence, MO, will be to look out for the children’s best interests. Often, neither spouse will be able to do so. Once one of the marriage partners decides to take the step and begin the divorce proceedings, their overriding concern often is to get it over with as quickly as possible. In response, the other partner will be hurt and offended and, without iron control over their emotions, will be lost in a whirlwind of retaliation. This acting out can even result in using the kids as bargaining chips or playing off the children, one parent against the other. Even mature adults will have difficulties in this regard. They will be using all their energies to control their emotions, and the needs of their children can take a backseat to some extent.

This is the power of a divorce lawyer in Independence, MO. He will be concerned for you and the children, but in a way that does not affect his decision-making. While his client may be wrestling with their emotions, he will rationally consider all the facts.

Specifically, your divorce lawyer in Independence, MO, will work with your spouse’s attorney to ensure that the division of assets and the allocation of future income follow the children’s best interests. They will work together to provide the children go to the parent with the healthiest environment, not the biggest ego. He will ensure their financial needs are met, not only for the present but also throughout their childhood into adulthood. During this time, they are often the best advocates for the children. People choose the lawyers at Kelly, Reed & Jansen not just because of our diverse legal backgrounds and our more than 50 years of combined experience, but also because when we take matters to court we fight to win.

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