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Elizabeth Graham

Elizabeth Graham 2020-04-03T04:42:44+0000

Chronic back pain can make us unable to perform our day-to-day routine with ease. It is necessary to get the pain under control. While many over the counter medications provide short term relief, patients require a more lasting treatment PRP has been lately becoming one of the most popular choices for pain relief.

It is a natural treatment where the product that contains plasma, platelets, growth factors and other compounds derived from your own blood and is injected into the treatment site to promote healing, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

It is suitable for muscle tears and ruptures, as well as pain in the tendons and ligaments around the body. Because the injection material is derived from your own cells, there are little to no side effects from the treatment, and the healing effects begin very quickly.

To know more about PRP Treatment Back Pain visit us at https://katalystmd.com/prp-treatment/