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Ella Morris

Ella Morris 2023-07-18T10:43:41+0000

Losing a loved one due to someone else's negligence or intentional actions is a devastating experience. In such tragic cases, Illinois law allows for wrongful death claims to seek compensation for the losses suffered by the surviving family members. While no amount of money can ever replace the loss of a loved one, pursuing a wrongful death claim can provide financial support and a sense of justice.

Economic Damages

In a wrongful death claim, economic damages aim to compensate for the financial losses suffered by the deceased person's family members. These damages may include:

a) Medical Expenses: If the deceased received medical treatment before passing away, the costs associated with that treatment may be recovered in the claim.

b) Funeral and Burial Expenses: The expenses incurred for the funeral and burial services can be included as part of the claim.

c) Loss of Financial Support: The claim can seek compensation for the loss of the deceased's future earnings and financial contributions to the family. Factors such as the deceased's age, occupation, earning capacity, and life expectancy are considered when determining these damages.

d) Loss of Benefits: If the deceased person had pension plans, healthcare coverage, or other employee benefits, the claim can seek compensation for the value of those lost benefits.

Non-Economic Damages

In addition to economic damages, non-economic damages are designed to compensate for the intangible losses suffered by the surviving family members. These damages may include:

a) Pain and Suffering: The emotional distress, grief, and mental anguish experienced by the family members due to the loss of their loved one can be considered in the claim.

b) Loss of Companionship: Compensation can be sought for the loss of the deceased person's companionship, love, and emotional support. This includes the loss of consortium, guidance, and nurturing for spouses, children, and parents.

c) Loss of Consortium: The claim can also seek damages for the loss of the deceased person's spousal relationship, including the loss of companionship, affection, and sexual relations.

d) Punitive Damages: In certain cases where the defendant's actions were particularly reckless or intentional, punitive damages may be awarded. These damages are meant to punish the defendant and deter similar misconduct in the future.

When seeking justice and compensation for the tragic loss of a loved one, Fisk & Monteleone Ltd. stands as the premier choice for wrongful death lawyers. Their dedicated team of legal experts is committed to delivering compassionate support and unwavering advocacy to families in their time of need. With a track record of success and a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding wrongful death cases, they strive to provide the highest level of representation.

For more details, visit https://www.yourrockfordlawyers.com/who-can-file-a-wrongful-death-claim-in-illinois/