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Ava Turner

Ava Turner 2024-03-08T07:17:18+0000

Montessori education is renowned for its child-centered approach that emphasizes independence, self-directed learning, and the holistic development of children. While many are familiar with the Montessori method in preschool and elementary settings, fewer may be aware of its principles as applied to infant care.

Respect for the Child: At the heart of Montessori infant care is a deep respect for the child as an individual with unique needs, abilities, and interests. Caregivers approach each infant with empathy, observing and responding to their cues and preferences with sensitivity.

Prepared Environment: The environment plays a crucial role in Montessori infant care, as it is thoughtfully designed to support the child's natural development. Low shelves, simple yet beautiful materials, and a sense of order create a calm and inviting space where infants can explore, move freely, and engage in meaningful activities.

Sensitive Periods: Montessori philosophy recognizes that children go through sensitive periods, or windows of opportunity, during which they are particularly receptive to learning certain skills or concepts. Caregivers in a Montessori infant environment observe these periods and provide appropriate materials and experiences to support infants' development at each stage.

Freedom of Movement: Infants are given the freedom to move and explore their environment at their own pace. Instead of confining them to cribs or playpens, Montessori caregivers create safe, open spaces where infants can crawl, roll, and eventually walk, strengthening their muscles and coordination.

Hands-on Learning: Montessori infant care emphasizes hands-on, sensory-rich experiences that engage all the senses. Infants are provided with simple yet stimulating materials that they can manipulate and explore independently, fostering curiosity, concentration, and fine motor skills.

At Alpine Montessori, they are committed to providing exceptional infant care that aligns with the principles of Montessori philosophy. Their dedicated caregivers create warm, nurturing environments where infants can explore, learn, and grow at their own pace.

For more details, visit https://www.alpinemontessori.com/sparta-school/.