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Ella Morris

Ella Morris 2024-03-28T11:30:35+0000

You should seek medical treatment for shoulder pain if you experience any of the following situations:

Severe Pain: Intense, sharp, or constant pain in your shoulder that does not improve with rest or over-the-counter pain medications.

Inability to Move the Shoulder: Difficulty or inability to move your shoulder or arm, especially if it's accompanied by weakness or numbness.

Pain After an Injury: Shoulder pain following a fall, impact, or trauma, which could indicate a fracture, dislocation, or other injury.

Swelling or Bruising: Noticeable swelling, bruising, or deformity around the shoulder joint.

Pain at Night or Rest: Shoulder pain that wakes you up at night or is persistent even when at rest.

Limited Range of Motion: Difficulty reaching overhead, behind your back, or across your body due to pain or stiffness.

Shoulder Instability: Feeling like your shoulder is loose, popping out of place, or unstable, especially after a previous dislocation.

Persistent Pain with Activities: Pain that worsens with specific movements or activities, such as reaching, lifting, or carrying objects.

Numbness or Tingling: Sensations of numbness, tingling, or weakness in the shoulder, arm, or hand.

Fever or Signs of Infection: Fever, redness, warmth, or swelling around the shoulder joint, which could indicate an infection.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention from a healthcare provider. Experience regenerative treatments for pain relief & wellness at QC Kinetix (Eugene). They restore and help you live fully.

For more details Visit https://qckinetix.com/eugene/ today!