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Aria Rivera

Aria Rivera 2023-08-22T08:39:18+0000

Child support is a critical aspect of family law that ensures the well-being of children following the separation or divorce of their parents. In these situations, a child support attorney plays a pivotal role in advocating for the best interests of the child and ensuring that financial obligations are met. Delve into the essential responsibilities of a child support attorney and shed light on the important work they do.

Guidance and Advice

One of the primary responsibilities of a child support attorney is to provide legal guidance and advice to their clients. They help individuals understand the intricacies of child support laws, regulations, and rights specific to their jurisdiction. This guidance helps clients make informed decisions regarding child support arrangements and navigate the complex legal landscape.

Assessment of Financial Information

Child support attorneys thoroughly assess the financial information of both parents to determine a fair and appropriate amount of child support. They analyze factors such as income, expenses, and assets to arrive at a figure that meets the child's needs while considering the parents' financial capabilities.

Establishing Child Support Orders

Child support attorneys are responsible for assisting clients in initiating and establishing child support orders. This involves filing the necessary legal documents, providing evidence of income and expenses, and presenting the case before a court if needed. The attorney's goal is to secure a child support order that reflects the child's best interests and ensures financial stability.

Modification of Existing Orders

Circumstances change over time, and child support attorneys help clients navigate the process of modifying existing child support orders when necessary. Whether due to changes in income, medical needs, or other factors, attorneys advocate for appropriate adjustments to ensure the child's needs continue to be met.

Enforcement of Child Support Orders

Unfortunately, some parents may fail to comply with their child support obligations. In such cases, child support attorneys play a crucial role in enforcing court orders. They take legal action to ensure that the non-compliant parent meets their financial responsibilities, which may involve wage garnishment, property liens, or other legal remedies.

At Bruning & Associates P.C, their team has extensive experience with obtaining, enforcing, and modifying child support orders, so they are ready to support you. For more details, visit: https://bruninglaw.com/child-support/