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Aria Rivera

Aria Rivera 2023-08-22T08:46:54+0000

When it comes to dental health, the term "root canal" often evokes a sense of apprehension and uncertainty. However, it's important to demystify this common dental procedure and understand its significance in maintaining oral health. Delve into the details of what a root canal procedure entails, why it's necessary, and how it can help save a damaged tooth.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal procedure, technically known as endodontic therapy, is a dental treatment designed to repair and save a tooth that has become infected or severely damaged. It involves removing the pulp, which is the soft tissue located inside the tooth, when it becomes inflamed or infected. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues that help the tooth grow during its development.

The Root Canal Procedure

The root canal procedure is typically carried out in several steps:


Your dentist will first examine the affected tooth, possibly taking X-rays to assess the extent of the damage and to determine whether a root canal is necessary.


To ensure your comfort, the dentist will numb the area around the tooth using local anesthesia.

Pulp Removal:

An access hole is drilled into the tooth, providing access to the pulp. The infected or damaged pulp is then carefully removed from the tooth's root canals.

Cleaning and Shaping:

The empty root canals are thoroughly cleaned, shaped, and disinfected to ensure no traces of infection remain.


The cleaned root canals are filled with a biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha, to seal the space and prevent further infection.


After a root canal, the tooth might become more fragile. In most cases, a crown or filling is placed on the tooth to restore its strength and functionality.

At Smile League Dental, their specialists will make sure you are comfortable and satisfied throughout the session. They use a non-invasive approach and advanced tools to ensure that your treatment procedure goes smoothly with no pain and discomfort. For more details, visit: https://smileleaguedental.com/root-canal